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Koleksi Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Ilmu dan Remaja - Teks Pidato

Salam Khidmah Sahabat Admin Madrasah !

Alhamdulillah kebetulan admin pernah mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris di Lembaga Kursusan yang Legendaris di Pare Jawa Timur, yakni Basic English Course (BEC). Dengan Predikat Lulusan yang cukup memuaskan dengan Nilai A28 dari sekitar 300 angkatan. 

Oleh karena itu, kali ini admin akan berbagi Teks Pidato bahasa Inggris untuk dimanfaatkan siswa-siswi kita dalam pembelajaran pidato maupun ajang perlombaan. 

Berikut Teks Pidato bahasa Inggris : 


(Belajar atau Pacaran)

In the name of God, The most gracious and The most merciful.

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله لاحول ولاقوة الا بالله. اما بعد
Exelency Mr and Mrs Jury of english speech competition.
Honorable ladies and gentelment who comes in this beautiful place.
And all of my friends whom I love.

First of all, lets pray and thank unto our God Allah SWT, who has given us mercies and blessing. So, we can attend and gather in this competition in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messanger of God who has guided us from the darkness to the brighness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, namely Islam.

Ladies and gentlemen
Standing in front of you, I woud like to deliver my speech under the title: Study or Steady.
Guys!!! Do you know what the meaning is! In indonesian study is “belajar” and steady is “pacaran”. Okey, understeand? Thank you. Which one do you like, study or steady?
Im sure that most of you like steady. Because it’s can make you happy. On the contrary, study can make us confused.

Happy brothers and sisters,
Steady can distrub our study because we can’t concentrate to our teacher’s lesson. We will think much about steady so our steady can be broken.
According to some people, study without steady is not nice. Steady funcions to make fresh our brain after studying. Do you agree to this opinion? I think, it is not always true because steady can make us forget about our lessons so after going steady we will be more confused.
The conclution, study must win and steady must be lost. Concentrate to our study and think that steady can distrb our study. If we fall in love, keep it in a good way and make a good plan for future. Don’t go steady but keep study hard!!
Well brothers and sisters, that’s all my speech about “Study Vs Steady”.I am sure that after knowing this explanation, we can choose the best one. Don’t forget that the satan rejected one always tempts us to make many sins in order that we become their freinds in the hell.
Thoose all my speechs, I do apologize to you and thanks for your attention.
Last I say Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.


(Pentingnya Menuntut Ilmu)

In the name of God, The most gracious and The most merciful.
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله لاحول ولاقوة الا بالله. اما بعد

Exelency Mr and Mrs Jury of english speech competition.
Honorable ladies and gentelment how comes in this beautiful place.
And all of my friends whom I love and love me.

First of all, lets pray and thank unto our God Allah SWT, who has given us mercies and blessing. So, we can attend and gather in this competition in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and solutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messanger of God who has guided us from the darkness to the brighness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, namely Islam.

Ladies and gentlemen
Well on this Occasion, I am standing in front of you, I woud like to deliver my speech under the title: " The IMPORTANT of SCIENCE DEMANDS”.

Dear brothers and sisters,
We Know that the search for knowledge is obligatory for the Muslims and the Moslem. As spoken by Our Prophet Muhammad in the hadits: "Seeking knowledge is obligatory for Muslim men and women."
Why did the Prophet Muhammad requiring the people to study? Because science is essential for human life in this world. With science, We can make something to be useful. We use anythings what we have. We can life easy, because we know the way is.
Whe know tecnology, we know the way of life, we know how to be good student, how to be a good son. Moreover we know about religion well. For the example, we can use this mobile phone. We can use it for studying and something useful. How if we have it, but we dont know how to use it? 

Happy brothers and sisters
Our God Allah SWT says in The Holy Quran:
يرفع الله الذين أمنوا منكم والذين اوتوا العلم درجات
"Surely Allah will Exalt whom believe and bookish knowledge to Some degree."
From this chapter, there is simple word its “ilm” or science. Not special science, but all of the sciences are important for our life and will make us loftily beside Allah.
Who wants to life happy in this word, he has to know what the way is. Who wants to get fortunity in the hereafter, he has to know the way is also. So, let’s study, study and study!

Dear Ladies and gentlemen
Thoose all my speech, I do apologize to you and thanks for your attention.

Last I say Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Satu lagi koleksi pidato kami, yang pernah memenangkan Juara 1 Lomba Pidato bahasa Inggris se Karisedenan Pati di SMK Duta Karya Kudus. Untuk teks lebih lengkapnya, klik tautan berikut: 

Demikan Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris koleksi kami, Semoga Bermanfaat.